
Landi Decoration
30 years of design experience
30000+customers choose to witness
7 reasons
Thirty years of complete project design
30 Year
Industry renowned brand
Industry renowned brand
Having been deeply involved in the industry for 20 years, with numerous awards and direct sales systems in multiple cities, we are a leading brand in the decoration industry.
Self owned chemical personnel system
Self owned chemical personnel system
Having been deeply involved in the industry for 20 years, with numerous awards and direct sales systems in multiple cities, we are a leading brand in the decoration industry.
Rest assured contract
Rest assured contract
Having been deeply involved in the industry for 20 years, with numerous awards and direct sales systems in multiple cities, we are a leading brand in the decoration industry.
Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Precision Industry
Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Precision Industry
Having been deeply involved in the industry for 20 years, with numerous awards and direct sales systems in multiple cities, we are a leading brand in the decoration industry.
Good reputation is evident
Good reputation is evident
Having been deeply involved in the industry for 20 years, with numerous awards and direct sales systems in multiple cities, we are a leading brand in the decoration industry.
Lifetime worry free after-sales service
Lifetime worry free after-sales service
Having been deeply involved in the industry for 20 years, with numerous awards and direct sales systems in multiple cities, we are a leading brand in the decoration industry.
Yujing Longhu
Light luxury
Construction period: half a year
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
Lv Dawei
This case:Designed by Chief designer Lv Dawei
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Hengqin Headquarters Building
Tooling Design
Construction period: 8-10 months
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
This case:Designed by Chief designer FUm
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Kaige Chain CKTV
Tooling Design
Construction period: 3-4 months
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
Lu Jiwei
This case:Designed by Chief designer Lu Jiwei
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Hengqin Wetland Park Exhibition Hall
Tooling Design
Construction period: 3-4 months
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
Liáng gāo
This case:Designed by Chief designer Liáng gāo
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Lv Dawei
Chiefdesigner - Zhuhai
Senior interior architect
Top ten commercial space designers in China
Registered designer of China Interior Architecture Association
Number of reservations: 15769
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
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Ge Fan
Chiefdesigner - Macao
CIID- Top 10 Interior Designers
CBDA's New Power Designer of the Year
Number of reservations: 12587
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
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Chiefdesigner - Zhuhai
New Chinese style, light luxury, mix and match, simple
National registered Senior Interior Architect
Number of reservations: 869
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
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Lu Jiwei
Chiefdesigner - Macao
Modern simplicity, simple European, European, Chinese
Chief decorator at Lundy
Number of reservations: 986
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
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Liáng gāo
Chiefdesigner - Zhuhai
New Chinese style, light luxury, mix and match, simple
Honorary President of the International ICDA Designers Association
Number of reservations: 1069
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
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Service Process1
From consultation to after-sales service, we provide professional services for you at every stage
Free Design Reservation
Decoration consultation
House measurement
Owners come to the store
Sign a Contract
Detailed Design
Material purchase
Decoration construction
Completion acceptance
After-sale service
Hong Kong Zhuhai Macau Precision Industry
199 transparent process specifications
Entry Protection
Demolition Construction
New Wall Construction
Plumbing and Electrical Installation
Plumbing and Electrical Installation
Plastering Work
Carpentry Work
Plastering Work
Online construction site
Visit the site to experience the quality of decoration and visit the construction site for free
Hengqin Prefecture
House type:Three bedroom
Property name:Hengqin Prefecture, Zhuhai
Commencement date:2024.03.18
Lead designer:Lv Dawei
Construction period: 3-6 months
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
Decoration Dynamics
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Huafa Century City
House type:Four bedroom apartment
Property name:Zhuhai Huafa Century City
Commencement date:2024.04.17
Lead designer:FUm
Construction period: 3-6 months
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
Decoration Dynamics
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Wealth Family
House type:Two bedroom apartment
Property name:Zhuhai Wealth Family
Commencement date:2024.02.07
Lead designer:Liáng gāo
Construction period: 3-6 months
Appointment for viewing: Designer WeChat/phone appointment can be added 18923391713
Decoration Dynamics
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Owner's Story
Real renovation stories of homeowners, shaping a better life
News and Information
Give your home more room for imagination, discover more inspiration for home decoration, and let you have a deeper understanding of various aspects of home decoration
How can a Zhuhai decoration design company choose a better one?
When choosing a decoration design company in Zhuhai, in order to ensure the selection of a better decoration company, the following aspects can be considered and compared.
How to choose a decoration company for villa decoration in Zhuhai?
When choosing a villa decoration company in Zhuhai, multiple factors need to be considered comprehensively to ensure decoration quality and satisfaction.
How to choose a style for decorating a house in Zhuhai? Recommend choosing modern cream style!
Modern cream style, as a home decoration style, has gradually become popular in the field of interior design in recent years.
How to choose a style for decorating a new house in Zhuhai? Suggest choosing a modern and minimalist style!
The modern minimalist decoration style is an interior decoration style with simplicity as its main theme, which originated from Western modernism in the early 20th century, especially the design philosophy of the Bauhaus school.
Zhuhai house decoration: What should be paid attention to when decorating the bathroom?
In the decoration of houses in Zhuhai, bathroom decoration is a particularly important aspect that requires special attention.
What is the quotation for decoration in Zhuhai? How to choose a better decoration company?
The decoration quotation in Zhuhai varies due to various factors, including decoration grade, material selection, design style, and construction complexity. Different decoration companies offer different prices, so when choosing a decoration company, one should consider multiple aspects comprehensively. Here are some suggestions from the editor, hoping to help everyone.
Landi Decoration
Free Quote
Real Case 400-993-1886
How much does my home renovation cost?
Provided services to 1000 families
10 second estimation, less wasted money
How much does my home renovation cost?
5686 homeowners received renovation budget
Start Calculation
For your rights, your privacy will be strictly kept confidential
Decoration valuation
Consumables cost
Labor cost
Design fee
Quality inspection fee
The specific quotation is subject to actual testing
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